High School Musical Mania

Gotta Go My Own Way

Now Or Never

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Application Scholarship

Bandung, December 10th 2009
Number : 09/SPM/MH/VIII/2009
Attachment : 1
Matter : Application Scholarship
Head Master of IM Telkom
Surapati Street 189
Who signatured in here, me:
Name : Dewi Hastuti
Place, date of birth: Jakarta, December 18th 1990
Semester : Even Semester, 2009/2010
Direction : Trade Administration
Faculty : Faculty of Adminsitration, Business and Trade
Address : Gandul Raya Street 60D, Depok, West Java 16512
Mobile Number : 085693040507
I want to purpose the application scholarship on July until January 2011 with attachment as follows:
1. Explanation letter from College which is active to follow the college lecture at even semester 2009/2010 periode.
2. Explanation letter from the College for not receive scholarship from another Institution.
3. Letter from the College for never do the thing to run against the rule of academy.
4. Copy of family card and identification card which is still valid and legal from autority institution.
5. Work parents sallary evidence.
Finally this application letter I purpose to accepted, for your attention thank you.
(Dewi Hastuti)
KTM Number: 109100012

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Menulis Esai atau Paragraf

People sometimes need hotels if they travel far from homes. They sometimes need hotels when they arrive in cities late at night and they do not have any relatives there. But sometimes people spend the night at hotel because they want to feel stay at hotel for awhile.
Hotels are places that provide lodging and usually meals and various personal services for the public. Hotels with hundreds of rooms are common. A good hotel provides many comforts and conveniences. Such as swimming pool, golf yard, gymnasium and etc.
Downtown hotels survive and prosper because of two important factors. First, business travellers wish to stay close to the officer or industrial plants that they plan to visit. Second, the location of the airport is close to the hotels.
Some travellers stay at airport inns when their flights are delayed. To save time, business executives often select airport hotels for meetings or conferences. One the plane lands, the hotel is only minutes away.
Hotels are very amount in the world. Because amount, sometimes people are abash to find it. But now you can find the advertisement of the hotels in newspaper, brochures, the internet, magazine and etc. So you are unnecessary for find a hotels to stay in.

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

"For completing 12 tasks of your blog" (assignment from Mr.Dadang's wordpress)

Paragraph 1 Question 1 - 8

1. C. although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home products
2. B. extensively
3. A. forbidden
4. D. not allowed in home cleaning products
5. A. harmful
6. B. breathed in
7. D. took away
8. A. regulate product safety

Paragraph 2 Question 9 - 16

9. B. a different American artist
10. B. One artist's life and works are described
11. A. he was born in America
12. D. high percentage
13. C. working class
14. A. protests
15. D. an art form involving engraving
16. B. uneven

Paragraph 3 Question 17 - 23

17. D. The Evermoving Stras
18. C. unassisted
19. A. barely perceptible
20. A. Noticeble
21. C. erroneous belief
22. D. a distance seemingly equal to the diameter of the Moon
23. D. travel through the sky considerably more rapidly than the stars

QUIZ Wednesday, December 16, 2009 (fotokopi)

The following paragraph do not have any unity. Find the irrelevant sentence by first choosing the topic sentence. (9 points)

1. Topic : Beginning of ice cream
Topic Sentence : Ice cream is so common in our lives that we never thik about how we came to
have it
Irrelevant Sentence : Some other interventions by th Chinese are said to be gunpowder,
paper, and silk cloth

2. Topic : Credit Card
Topic Sentence : The idea behind credit card is that someone trusts us and believes that we
will pay for something at a later date
Irrelevant Sentence : Many changes in business have taken place in recent years.

3. Topic : The adventure tourism in New Zealand
Topis Sentence : The adventure tourism is different way for tourist to New Zealand
Irrelevant Sentence : White-water rafting was first introduced by Indian people

QUIZ Wednesday, December 16, 2009 (fotokopi) PART 3

3. The following paragraph is not coherent. Arrange these groups of sentences by first choosing one as the topic sentende. (6 points)

Topic : Finding a job
Topic Sentence : Finding a job is often difficult for a young person today
Answers: 4-6-8-2-1-3-5-9-10-7.

Topic : How things fall
Topic Sentences : Galileo is famous for his study of how things fall
Answers : 3-9-8-1-7-2-6-5-4.

QUIZ Wednesday, December 16, 2009 (fotokopi) PART 2

2. Change these sentences into direct sentences.(10 points)

MD=Miss Divine

I= Miss Divine, are you come in London just for pleasure?
MD= No, I've come to London to make a film
I= What kind of film?
MD= It is a musical comedy
I= When it will come?
MD= I think it will be showing in cinemas next year
I= Oh great! By the way, whether is true that you are planning to get married for the fourth time?
MD=No. I had given up marriage for good
I= And then, when you will get married?
MD= I don't know exactly. I liked men but I preferred my work.
I= OK Divine! Success for your life.
MD= Thank you!

QUIZ Wednesday, December 16, 2009 (fotokopi) PART 1

1. You interview the new applicant. Her name is Alicia Baker. You, as a head of HRD, have to report it to your boss about what she had already said to you. (10 points)

a). She said she was apply for a job as a public relation
b). She said she had knew this vacancy from her friend who works here
c). She said she was interested to fill the position because she like meeting new people
d). She said she had studied Management Business and Telecommunication at TELKOM Institute of Management
e). She said she had experience as a Credit Officer at City Bank
f). She said she had resigned from City Bank because she has to finish her study
g). She said she could operate computer well
h). She said she could speak English and Mandarin fluently
i). She said she was able to work under pressure
j). She said it was a great opportunity if she could work in our company

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009


Hari ini 18 desember 09..
genap 19 tahun umur ku..

Alhamdulillah ya Allah Yang Maha Agung, Maha Penyayang dan Pengasih,, dan Maha Segalanya..

HambaMu ini sangat bersyukur karna Engkau telah memberikanku waktu yaitu umur untuk BERTAUBAT sampai skarang ini, BERIBADAH sesuai ajaranMu, NAFAS yang masih dapat kuhirup dengan penuh ucap syukur, dan hamba sangat bersyukur karna di tanggal kelahiranku ini adalah TAHUN BARU ISLAM 1 MUHARRAM 1431 HIJRIAH..

HambaMu yg jauh dari kesempurnaan ini memohon dan memanjatkan doa padaMu ya Robb..

Smoga Allah memberikan sgala klancaran dalam tiap langkah hidup ku..
Smoga Allah meridhoi sgala keputusan yg telah, dan akan aku ambil..
Smoga Allah slalu yg jadi nomor 1 dalam hati ku.. ALWAYS n NEVER CHANGE..
Smoga Allah slalu memberi kasih sayangnya pada umat yg tlah mnyayangiNya pula..
Smoga Allah slalu sayang sama kdua orang tua ku dan adek2 ku tercinta..
Smoga Allah slalu merahmati kdua orang tua ku..
Smoga Allah mlancarkan diriku dalam MEMBAHAGIAKAN ORTU..
Smoga Allah slalu sayang sama saudara2 ku yg dkt maupun jauh, yg senenek moyang (Nabi Adam AS) dan juga TEMAN-TEMAN ku yg bersedia ada saat SUKA maupun DUKA..
Smoga Allah slalu merahmati hidup ku..
Smoga Allah memberikan yg terbaik buat ku, walau pahit rasanya..
Smoga Allah slalu sayang sama aku..
Smoga Allah salalu memberikan PEMAHAMAN yg baik, INGATAN yg kuat, dan KETELITIAN yg tinggi..
Smoga Allah slalu memperingati diriku disaat aku LALAI dan KHILAF..
Smoga aku TAMBAH solehah dan rajin ibadahnya..
Smoga Allah melancarkan sgala perbuatanku yg berniat baik (meminta maaf atas khilaf yg gw perbuat, saling memaafkan, menjalin silaturahmi, komunikasi, senyum, ramah, dan brusaha berpikiran positif)..

dan terakhir..




Rabu, 16 Desember 2009


Angin Ribut Cooperation
Gedung Ariobimo Sentral Lt. 12
H.R.Rasuna Said Street
Kav. 5, Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan
December 10, 2014
To whom it may concern,
I confirm that Dewi Hastuti was employed as General Manager of Human Resources Development with this organization from August 29, 2014 to present day, and was paid Rp.2.500.000 plus Rp.500.000 for bonus. She could to maintain employee, to explore employee skill, and to manage people in the right position.

Their job of HDR carries the following responsibilities to choosen people who want to join in this company. Dewi Hastuti is skilled in recruitment people who eligible to come in this company and is also reliable dependable, a good communicators, jaunty, and can working cooperate with another people.

I would happily re-employ Dewi Hastuti as I consider her to be a valuable member of the team, who consistently achieved good results and delivers all expectations.
Egi Ginanjar
Director of Global Cooperation

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Daftar Riwayat Hidup

Data Pribadi :
N a m a : Dewi Hastuti, S.Sos.
Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 18 Desember 1990
A g a m a : I S L A M
Status Pernikahan : Belum Menikah
Jumlah Tanggungan : -
KTP : 32.7604.5812.9000.01
A l a m a t : Jl. Raya Gandul Gang H. Akib
Rt. 38/06 No. 60D Gandul-Limo-Depok
Jawa Barat 16512
Telepon Rumah : 021-70620827
Telepon Genggam : 0856 93040 507
Email : akemihattori@rocketmail.com
Riwayat Pendidikan :
2012 : Administrasi Niaga (INSTITUT MANAJEMEN TELKOM)
2009 : Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA N 66 JAKARTA)
2006 : Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP N 68 JAKARTA)
2003 : Sekolah Dasar (SDN CIPETE SELATAN 01 PAGI)
Pengalaman Pekerjaan dan Organisasi :

2012 : Kepala Bagian Administrasi dan Keuangan PT. ANGIN RIBUT
Jl. Simpang Dago, Bandung
2009 : Anggota Divisi Humas Superclass Fakultas Administrasi Bisnis dan Keuangan (FABK)
Kampus 2 Institut Manajemen Telkom (IM TELKOM) Jl. Surapati No.189, Bandung
2009 : Anggota Divisi Dana Usaha Superclass Fakultas Administrasi Bisnis dan Keuangan
(FABK) Kampus 2 Institut Manajemen Telkom Jl. Surapati No.189, Bandung
2009 : Anggota Divisi Acara Superclass Fakultas Administrasi Bisnis dan Keuangan (FABK)
Kampus 2 Institut Manajemen Telkom Jl. Surapati No.189,Bandung
Januari 2009 – Januari 2008 : Seksi Pemberdayaan Wanita Karang Taruna Ikatan Remaja
Tiga DelapaN (IRGAPAN) Jl. Raya Gandul Rt.38/06 Gandul
Limo Depok 16512
Januari 2008 – Januari 2007 : Anggota Karang Taruna Ikatan Remaja Tiga Delapan
(IRGAPAN) Jl. Raya Gandul Rt.38/06 Gandul Limo Depok
2009 - 2006 : Anggota Rohani Islam (ROHIS) SMA Negeri 66 Jakarta
Jl. Bango III Pondok Labu Cilandak Jakarta Selatan 021-7691403
2006 - 2003 : Anggota Rohani Islam (ROHIS) SMP Negeri 68 Jakarta
Jl. Cipete Raya III No. 4 Cipete Jakarta Selatan 021-7695722
Bandung, 9 Desember 2009
Dewi Hastuti

Curriculum Vitae (Format Indonesia)

Dewi Hastuti
Jl. Raya Gandul Gang H. Akib Rt.38/06 No.60D
Kel. Gandul, Kec. Limo, Kota Depok 16512
(021) 70620827

Personal Manager of Human Resource Development of PT. Global


a. August 2014 – Present, General Manager of Administration at PT.Angin Ribut
Jl. Simpang Dago Bandung
b. July 2012 – June 2014, Second Manager Assistant of McDonals
Jl. Sudirman Kav. 5 Jakarta


2012 : S1, Business Administration at Institute of Management Telkom, Bandung
2009 : 66 Senior High School, Jakarta
2006 : 68 Junior High School, Jakarta
2003 : 01 Cipete Selatan Elementary School, Jakarta

Curriculum Vitae (Format Inggris)

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
Full Name : Dewi Hastuti
Sex : Female
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, December 18, 1990
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Single
Height, Weight : 160 cm, 55 kg
Health : Perfect
Religion : Moeslim
Address : Akib Street No. 60D Gandul Limo Depok 16512
Mobile : 0856 93040 507
Phone : 021-70620827
Educational Background
2012-2009 : Institute Management Telkom, Bandung
2009-2006 : 66 Senior High School, Jakarta
2006-2003 : 68 Junior High School, Jakarta
2003-1997 : Cipete Selatan 01 Elementary School, Jakarta
1. Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Caldulation).
2. Taxation System.
3. Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
4. Internet Literate.
Working Experience
Working at PT. Angin Ribut, Bandung

Period : January 2012 – December 2014
Purpose : Permanently working
Position : Accounting, Administration, and Taxation staff
Job's Description :
1. Payroll Staff;
2. Project's data updating;
3. Business correspondences;
4. Expatriates documentation filling & follow up;
5. Translation;
6. Appointment arrangement;
7. Filling anda data updating;
8. Arranged of business trip schedule;
9. Meeting budget arrangement;
10. Procurement filling, inventory control, and administration asistant;
11. Preparing for breakdown statement for the project, preparing intern finance circular correspondences, and preparing for the presentation materials;
12. Issuing invoice & receipt for vendor and customers;
13. Inventory Controller;
14. Preparation of purchase requirement and purchase order;
15. Invoice & payment arrangement.
Bandung, December 10, 2009
Dewi Hastuti

Application Letter

Akib Street 60
Gandul Raya

9 December 2012
Mr. Ginanjar
Manager of HRD
PT. Global Informasi Bermutu
Gedung Ariobimo Sentral Lt. 12
H.R.Rasuna Said Street
Kav. 5, Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Dear Mr. Ginanjar

Personal Manager of Human Resource Development
I was interested to see your advertisement in website “lowongan-pekerjaanbaru.blogspot.com” on December 5, 2009 and would like to be considered for this job.

I am presently working as General Manager of Administration at PT.Angin Ribut and have a wide range of responsibilities. These include hard working, good analytical, orientation to detail and ability to handle project with tight deadline, and eager to learn with minimum.

The kind of work in which your company is engaged particularly interests me, and I would welcome the opportunity it would afford using my skill to maintain employee, to explore employee skill, and to manage people in the right position.
A copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed with copies of previous testimonial.
I hope to hear from you soon and to be given the opportunity to present myself at an interview.
Yours sincerely
Dewi Hastuti


Kamis, 19 November 2009

Modul Page 69 Grammar

1. are
2. was
3. is
4. has
5. is
6. have
7. were
8. was
9. plays
10. does
11. has
12. makes

Modul Page 43 Outlining (Boston-Bound Train derails, 34 Hurt)

paragraph 1:
The train derailed and injured 34 people.

paragraph 2:
The wreck as one of the worst in recent memory which stopped all train travel.

paragraph 3:
15 crew members and 17 passengers suffered only minor injureies.

Modul Page 43 Outlining (Amtrak Derailment Near Secaucus Injures 35)

paragraph 1:
A mail train carrying passengers and crew members derailed near New York at 6:33 AM on Saturday.

paragraph 2:
No one was killed but 35 persons were injured.

paragraph 3:
The Hackensack River Bridge is a swing bridge may not have closed completely after the boat went through, and a gap in the track may have caused the crash.

Modul Page 41 Outlining (Philippines Sends Aid for Typhoon Damage)

paragraph 1:
The result of ravaged Typhoon Agnes about 515 dead people and 400 missing.

paragraph 2:
The aid had been sent to the Visayan region.

paragraph 3:
Rescuing people stranded by floods in some area, where 445.000 people were homeless.

paragraph 4:
90% of the 86.000 houses were destroyed and many of the dead were children.

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Summary Elements of Paragraph

By :
1. Annisa Fitri Anjani : 109100008
2. Dewi Hastuti : 109100012
3. Diana Fatimah : 109100013
4. Fitria Endah P.S. : 109100019
5. Ida Ayu Putri Utami P. : 109100023
6. Rani Sofiya Azhariah : 109100038

1. Topic sentence => topic sentence is a main idea of the paragraph. Usually the writer given topic sentence in the first or last paragraph. But sometimes there is a paragraph with topic sentence in the first and last paragraph, we call it with sandwich.
2. Supporting sentences => supporting sentences are some sentences which support main idea of the paragraph.
3. Concluding sentence => concluding sentence is a conclusion of the paragraph. Usually the writer given it in the last paragraph.
4. Unity => unity means that you discuss only one main idea in a paragraph. Other sentences support only one main idea of the paragraph.
5. Coherence => coherence mean that your paragraph is easy to read and understand.

Some of the largest trees in the world are in California. These are called redwood trees. Redwood National Park is a large forest of redwood trees. Visitors in the park can walk and drive through the forest to look at the trees. Some redwoods are hundreds of years old. They are very tall and are very wide at the bottom. One tree has a large hole at the bottom of it. The hole is so big you can drive a car through it.
Topic sentence
Some of the largest trees in the world are in California. These are called redwood trees.
Supporting sentence
1. Redwood National Park is a large forest of redwood trees.
2. Visitors in the park can walk and drive through the forest to look at the trees.
3. Some redwoods are hundreds of years old.
4. They are very tall and are very wide at the bottom.
5. One tree has a large hole at the bottom of it.
Concluding sentence
The hole is so big you can drive a car through it.

Redwood National Park is a large forest of redwood trees. (S3)
Some redwoods are hundreds of years old. (S5)
This supporting sentences are supporting main idea of paragraph, and the main idea of paragraph is Redwood.
Some redwoods are hundreds of years old. They are very tall and are very wide at the bottom.

Sentence 1 = simple sentence
Sentence 2 = simple sentence
Sentence 3 = simple sentence
Sentence 4 = simple sentence
Sentence 5 = simple sentence
Sentence 6 = simple sentence
Sentence 7 = simple sentence
Sentence 8 = simple sentence

Paragraf Individu

TS : Central Aceh is one of the interesting places in Indonesia cause its uniqueness.

SS1 : Central Aceh is famous for beautiful tourism
Central Aceh is famous for beautiful tourism. There are several tourist attracts, such as Lake Laut Tawar, Pantan Terong (scenery attraction), Gunung Burni Terong (hot spring), Taman Buru Linge Isak (hunting), Gua Loyang Koro, Loyang Pukes, Loyang Datu, Burni Klieten (hiking), and Krueng Peusangan (rafting). At there, we can see the nature fineness which very dumbfound and we can get the fresh air cause that area not yet polution.

SS2 : Central Aceh has almost all of society which Muslim religious and has a unique tradition.
Central Aceh has almost all of society which Muslim religious from Gayo clan. Besides that, obtain other clans too, such as Aceh and Jawa clan. 99% society of Central Aceh is Muslim religious. It have a yearly tradition when the proclamation ceremony, namely Traditional of horse spur. The unique thing from traditional of horse spur is the driver which young people ten until sixteen years old and the driver not used saddle.

SS3 : Central Aceh has art called Didong
Central Aceh has art called Didong. Didong is one of the original art from this plateau. The horde people sits with circle formalize. One of them called ceh will singing songs in Gayo language and other people will accompany with applause and small pillow pat with harmonic strain.

CS : So, Central Aceh can be one of the choosing place for your happy holiday.

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Sentence Element

Paragraph 3

3. But = adverbial
accountant's main function = subject
is to collect and present = verb
financial data = object

4. Financial managers = subject
use = verb
financial statement prepared by accountants = object
to make financial decisions = object

5. Financial managers = subject
focus = verb
on cash flow and outflow of cash = object

Paragraph 4

1. Finance = subject
is a central activity = verb
in every firm = adverbial

2. Financial managers = subject
have = verb
a complex and challenging job = object

3. They = subject
analyze = verb
financial data prepared by accountants and prepare and implement financial plans = object

4. The chief financial officers (CFO) and their staff = subject
coordinate = verb
information from such areas as . . . financial strategies = object

5. In a small firm = adverbial
the finance function = subject
may = verb
be handled . . . or two people = complement

6. The finance department = subject
oversees = verb
day to day = adverbial
financial operations = object

7. The key activities of the financial managers = subject
are = verb
financial planning, investment, and financing = complement

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009


Udah 3 hari gw terkapar di kosan gw.
dari hari rabu malem ampe pagi ini.
kuliah hari rabu itu sore jam 14.40, dan dikasih banyak tugas, alhasil gw icha n dilla ngerjain bareng di kosan icha.
rabu paginya gw makan skitar jam 7, dan siang gw akui emang gw gag makan, gw lupa ap pnyebab gw ampe gag makan siang.
ngerjain tugaspun berlanjut ampe magrib d kosan icha.
kita btiga ngerasa laper, dan saat itu kondisi lambung gw periiiihh bgt, ky klaperan tapi kok luarbiasa gt sakitnya.
alhasil kluarlah kami btiga cari makan *kaya anak ayam aja cari makan.
bubur jalaprang jadi sasaran.
selesai makan, anehnya perut gw yg laper itu tak terobati perihnya,
kmudian kami btiga mmutuskan untuk menyudahi tugas itu untuk hari rabu.
sampe dikosan gw, diare lah gw, mana lg dapet jg, cairan byk bgt kluar.
kamar mandi lantai 2 dipake sama teh ceca. larilah gw ke kamar mandi lantai 1.
muntah lah gw di sana, banyaaaakk bgt..
saat itu gw uda mulai berfikir kalau gw kna maag.
tadinya dari kamar mandi, gw mau langsung naik ke ats, k kmr gw. untk istrht.
tapi ni gw malah ke ibu kos, ktemu teteh nining, dan intinya dikasih obat, dan oatmeel.
eneg bgt n paiiiit pula ni perut dan lidah,
muntah lg gw yg kdua kali.
dikasi minum aer anget, dan gw mutusin wat k kamar gw tuk istirahat.
dalam keadaan perut perih, gw pun terlelap tanpa mimpi.

besoknya singkat cerita, kamis malem gw ol fb,chat sama mba sinta (kk spupu gw).
dy nanya kabar, dan ktauan klo gw lagi sakit.
dengan cepat dia minta alamat kosan gw, dan meluncur ke kosan gw dengan ojeg.
pamit sama ibu kos klo mau pergi ke dokter.
nyari dokter malem2 jam stengah 9. ga da yg buka.
ampe cikutra gw susurin bdua sama spupu gw itu.
mba sinta baik banget, mau nemenin nyari dokter malem2,,
karna dokternya gag ktemu, baliklah gw k kosan,
sblm nympe kosan, gw bli obat maag dulu di apotik dokter hendarto.
nah sialnya lagi tuh dokter tutup jam 8 malem, dan baru buka besok jam 7 pagi.
trus beli bubur jalaprang lagi buat makan sejam dari pas minum obat.
mba sinta akhirnya nganterin gw balik k kosan ampe kamar.
ktemu lah dia sama teh tami,trus knalan, dan mba sinta nitipin gw k teh tami.
dan besok gw bakal k dokter hendarto jam 7 sama teh tami.
mba sinta pun balik, karna takut angkot yg k kosannya dia udah gag ada.
keringet dingin gw bercucuran d dahi, dan leher, ni baju brasa abis kecebur dari sungai, kuyup.
mba sinta pun pulang dianter gw ampe pintu dpn. makasi banyak ya mbaaaa..
malem ini gw ditemenin ngobrol n makan sama tehtami.
selesai makan, beberapa menit kmudian gw pun tidur, perut uda lumayan enak c.

jumat pagi ini, gw bangun stengah 6, langsung prepare buat ke dokter dan bikin blog ini,
perut laper, tapi gw minum obat dulu, dan nanti makan skitar abis dari dokter.
hari ini pun jadi ke dokter dianter teh tami.
makasi ya teh tamii..

The Role of Finance

Jawaban Unit 5 Halaman 55

B. Check your understanding (Page:56-57)
1. To make money, they must first spend money. Inventory and supplies must be bought, equipment and facilities acquired, employees paid.
2. Revenues from sales of the firm's products should be the chief source of funding.
3. Financial managers are the ones who keep track of how money is flowing into and out of the firm.
4. They are the ones who decide how the available funds will be used, how much money is needed, and where to get it.
5. Financial management is the art and science of managing a firm's money so it can meet the goals.
6. Accountant's main function is to collect and present financial data.
7. Financial managers use financial statement prepared by accountants to make financial decisions.
8. They analyze financial data prepared by accountants, and prepare and implement financial plans.
9. The CFO and their staff coordinate information develop and carry out financial strategies.
10. In a small firm, the finance function may be handled by either the accounting department or one or two people.
11. The key activities of the financial managers are financial planning, investment, and financing.
12. Budgets are routinely used to monitor and control the performance of a department, a division, or an individual manager.
13. Budgets are a way to control expenses and compare the actual performance to the forecast.
14. There are three types of budgets : cash budgets, capital budgets, and operating budgets.

C. Improve your vocabulary
Exercise 1 =
1. B. Financial manager
2. C. Budget
3. A. Cash budget
4. C. Financial Manager
5. B. Budget
Exercise 2 =
1. A
2. N
3. F
4. K
5. E
6. L
7. M
8. O
9. G
10. D
11. J
12. I
13. H
14. C
15. B
Exercise 3 =
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F
Exercise 4 =
1. equipment - equip
2. relation - relate
3. statement - state
4. preparation - prepare
5. coordination - coordinate
6. information - inform
7. development - develop
8. estimation - estimate
9. combination - combine
10. consideration consider
Exercise 5 =
1. Capital
2. Last
3. Primary
4. Acquire
5. External
6. Utilizes
7. Repaid
8. Arrangement

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009


hari ni secara ga langsung.. gw dipermalukan d depan kelas d kampus..
aaaarrrgghh cumiii!!!
tadi tuh skitar sblm zuhur gw keingetan nge add fb dosen gw..
alhasil d confrm,, dan tadi gw pikir dy ga bakalan buka fbnya dy d kampus pas lagi pljrn brlngsung.
eeehhh gag taunyaa,,

iseeeng ja tu dosen buka fb,, tengkuk gw mulai panaaasss,, tangan dingiiinn,, geraaahh..
aduuuhh!! bener kan dy buka fb gw.. liat profil gw..
satu kelas smw pada ngetawain gw.. paraaaahh..
untung gw duduk agak mojok walaupun bkn dipojok,.
pala gw nunduuuukk aja krjaannya.. maluuuu..

aduuuuhh bapak dosen knapa mesti buka profil fb saya siiiihh???

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Sakiti Aku Lagi

sumpah ga enak banget rasanya disakiti.
apalagi sampe diputusin cowo.
itu pngalaman paling mnyakitkan yg pnah ad dalam hidup gw..

bisa2nya dia datang tiba2,, mnyusup d relung hati dan mnanamkan rasa sayang yang kuat dr dasar hati.
tapi dengan gamblangnya dia mngatakan bahwa hubungan ini berakhir sampai disini.
tanpa alasan yg jelas dia mengucap itu walau hanya lewat sms.

hari demi hari kupenuhi dengan tangisan hanya karna dia. seakan takkan da lagi harapan cinta tuk yang lain..

kebencian itu pun mulai timbul seiring dengan pesatnya dia melupakannku.
dengan sigap cepat singkat dan segera dia mencari gantinya.
penggantiku yang bisa dikatakan dr hatinya bahwa "gw bisa cari yg lbh baik dr lo"!!.

itu sangat menusuk.

Jumat, 25 September 2009


My love, I'm still here..
In the land of Million dreams.
The land as tender as the clouds,the land so sweet, noble, sincere, and delightful.
The land where I long for you.
In every breath I take, every second, every single time.

My Love, the land is very beautiful.
prosperous and fertile as a diamond mine.
The citizens are friendly, polite, and open-handed.
They are so open-hearted.
They all excite me and make me happy.

My Love, the land is safe and peaceful.
Anybody must be feeling comfortable here.
As comfortable as sitting on a sofa.

My Love, in my place houses are neatly built in rows.
Children leave for schools.
Parents working for decent income.
Everybody lives healthily, peacefully and harmoniously.

My Love, I just woke up.
I was dreaming.
I'm scared, It's still dark here.

My Love, maybe I've been away from you lately.
Abanding the messages in your early "Manuscripts".

My Love, the road is indeed long and exhausting.
But this must be the road to glory.

At the end of this road, I'm sure that there will be a bright light..